Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Sky Change

The blue is not water, but rather a band of dense cloud cover over Bath, Maine. I love the way the eerie light makes the shapes of the buildings so crisp and clear.

Driving along RT.1, just north of Bath, Maine.

Crossing the bridge to Wiscasset, Maine.

I'm beginning to notice clouds as spring creeps slowly into Maine. I seldom see large dramatic cumulus clouds in winter...Winter is a season when brilliant blue skies fade as a gauzy smear of white ushers in the flat gray of approaching weather.

Last July 4th, Peter and I were caught between two storm systems...he drove while I blissfully recorded the unfolding drama. Clouds are a photographer's friend and they transform the most mundane scene. I'm glad to see them back again!


  1. Clouds are powerful, not just on the physical landscape but on our emotional innerscape as well. Thank you for your photographic eye.

  2. BWS ~ Many many thanks, beautifully said.

  3. Love to see these changes in the sky, Beautiful.

    Art by Karena


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