Wednesday, May 26, 2010

The Language of Flowers in Photos ~ From whispers to a loud clamor

A gentle reminder of endings and beginnings.

We have a bank of these shy fragrant beauties at the cottage. They are always the first of many small bouquets, from Peter, in my kitchen window.

I love the intense color of tightly closed lilac buds. They will immediately wilt if you pick them at this stage. It's as if they are telling us to wait for their full glory.

This unassuming and prickly plant gives you plenty of warning to stay away as it is nearly always swarming with bees. We will pick fat juicy blackberries along the side of the road on our walks in late August.

Happiest with their faces to the sun, the sunflower will cast its eyes downward indoors. Still, I love them in the cottage dining room.

I shot this photo of a houseplant in my mother's kitchen window. It reminds me of Maurice Sendak's book, later made into a movie, "Where the Wild Things Are." The image makes me think of a long loud screech.


  1. I adore each of these, but most especially your mother's houseplant & the lily of the valley. The picket fence is also just right. Anticipating a flood of fragrance.

  2. I know it's not about picking a favourite, but the lily-of-the-valley photograph is particularly beautiful. What a delight to have bouquets, lover's tokens, in the kitchen.

  3. BWS ~ Thank you so much!

    Blue ~ I know you would appreciate those small sweet gestures. Thank you.


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