Monday, May 30, 2011

Cooper and Caddy

Cooper and Caddy

Our two bad boys on Mere Point! It is unusually warm for Memorial Day in already feels like the Dog Days of Summer!

Experimenting with an IPad Doodle app and wanted to see if I could send it to Blogger!


  1. My gosh, you can draw, too. I have absolutely no artistic talents, except seeing what is pleasing to my eye. I will just throwing things out there that others, like you, have created.

  2. Barbara ~ I don't agree with you. Your writing and knowledge are soul satisfying. I could never do what you do.

    My drawing and painting are pretty rusty, having abandoned the two for photography.

  3. Welcome to Mere Point, Barbara! We should plan a visit one of these days. ;o)

  4. oops! Carol, I mean. I am half asleep after a very physical day. The idea was good, though.

  5. Mike, a blogger meet-up would be so welcome! We are here for another day or so, then home for awhile...and then back for practically the whole summer. I'm listed in our town phone book!

  6. Janet ~ I'll see what I can do xo!

  7. this is adorable, I say anything with the dogs! you are on top of it, better way so much better than I technologically I am on a need to know basis- I don't need to know much it would seem. I agree more is better. pgt

  8. Gaye ~ Thank you! This probably took several more actions than was necessary! I'm ridiculously thrilled with every tiny skill I master...and they are tiny!


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