Tuesday, July 20, 2010

On a small Maine island...#3

It is so peaceful and I feel like time is standing still, but it's only the island playing a trick. I see the rugosa hugging the bank with fragrant blossoms ripening into rosy hips. It's already mid-summer.


  1. To those of us tied to work and car in summer, these photos are a reminder of what summer was like when we still got to participate. Oh how perfect...

  2. Thank you Barbara...I've always loved that particular view.

    Dilettante ~ Peter and I are so aware that most Mainers never get to experience a Maine summer the way the tourists do and that it is a nose-to-the-grindstone make or break time. I know you don't have time to dally, but we're in the book if you're passing through!

  3. As I drive my 65 miles to work in 90-something heat I'll be thinking of these lovely photos. To sit, back against a rock, not wanting to get back in the car and move on - how better to spend a quick half-hour with one's thoughts and the scent of the ocean?

  4. Thank you Blue, it is wonderful to think my photos could bring a few moments of reverie on a 65 mile commute in 90 degree heat. I'm sending an ocean breeze your way in spirit!


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