Sunday, July 18, 2010

On a small Maine island...#1

With a view of Mere Point from a small Maine island in Casco Bay.

The fog from the previous week has lifted and in its place is the kind of classic Maine day we dream about all winter long. Summer..."Maine, the way life should be" and the way it isn't after howling wind and thick ice and a house that is dark and cold after the power has been out for hours. But today is perfection. We pack a picnic and jump in the boat leaving thoughts of winter far behind in our wake.


  1. That's very pretty. Are the rocks sandstone?

  2. Barbara ~ Thank you very much!

    Snowbrush ~ Thank you! No, they are not sandstone...our rocks are glacial with quite a bit of granite. Very hard, especially when you slip on them when they are wet!

  3. It looks beautiful. I bet the coastline is really striking in winter, too, if less friendly.

  4. Thank you Rachel! It is beautiful in winter with snow and ice...the water is often frozen too.

  5. Such beautiful photos, it looks wonderful. I expect the winters make you really appreciate it when the snow and ice are gone - but I bet it looks spectactular in the winter too:)

  6. Winter? WINTER? You do realize that it against the law to mention that word in polite company in July and August?

    gorgeous photos

  7. Thank you Christine! In spite of what my neighbor, the Dilettante says, 'WINTER @#$@%' can be extremely beautiful...even if it is an unwelcome thought in July!

    Many thanks, Dilettante, for stopping by during your head spinning busiest time of the year!


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