Monday, February 7, 2011

The Light Inside

A slick icy landscape and a series of storms have motivated me to look for winter light indoors. In my opinion, interiors are always prettiest at this time of the year and New Englanders build their houses to take full advantage of the sun. I was completely captivated by the shadows splashed across the wall on the day these were taken.

There is one more reason to post a bouquet of roses today. Yesterday was JCB's fourth blog anniversary. Time flies quickly when you are seeing the world through her artistic eyes! For me, she is the light inside.

I've recently become aware of another new blog, a boardinghouse reach, from Flickr contact, Linda Makiej.  Do have a look at her recipes, many are from the lifelong collections of her mother and mother-in-law and all beautifully photographed by Linda!

Today's link from "You Must Remember This."


  1. Yikes!!! Thanks for the mention Carol!!
    Lazy Man's Pierogies coming tomorrow...

    I too, am a "Mainer"!! Lived in Machias and Portland til the age of almost 12..... I dream of going back someday for good.

  2. Linda, you are so welcome....thanks for tempting us every day with your cuisine, and then showing us how to make your wonderful recipes!

    Barbara, thank you, I'm so glad you like the second image...I really worked on that one to get the exact angle and the light to just brush the top of the Thai figure. No post processing or cropping...

  3. Always love the light...and the shadows. What a soul-felt comment: " For me, she is the light inside." A treasure. That goes for the two of you.

    I think you have the makings of a children's book in the remaking of Connor into the world traveler; of his taking change in stride (on short legs) and reinventing himself. Love the idea of Doxie burrito. The relationship between Cooper and the Pet Rock are starting to take on the feeling of a Jane Austin romance where love blooms in the most unlikely places: next door!

  4. home before dark ~ I'm touched by your comment, a heartfelt thank you!

    You are really the one spurring me on with anecdotes of Cooper and the pet rock...and it is fun to write about the two of them! Our vet has a file four inches thick on eleven year old Shiner...and we have a thin wallet thanks to this aristocratic old lady! Now, if a romance could be styled on a character with attributes somewhere between Jane Austin and "Harold & Maude"....


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