Wednesday, November 3, 2010

This Morning on Blue Hill Mountain

It was the perfect November morning for a walk on the mountain path...the last for a few days if one believes the weather forecast.  We were treated to the unusual sight of a helicopter in the meadow and work in progress on the cell tower situated on the top of Blue Hill mountain. I had brought my camera to record the November lupine, but more on that later!


  1. Oh, you really are a better person than I am. I've been intending to take a climb up for weeks without actually doing it (too many outdoor tasks clambering for attention at home and store).

  2. Dilettante ~ Not at all! I haven't been up there in ages, but at least I picked the right day! Stay dry, those outdoor tasks will have to wait.

    Janet ~ Kind of thrilling...(it is a small town!)


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