Monday, May 7, 2012

Rockin' Robin


This little robin has been pounding out a beat on our guest bedroom window for days on end. Our persistent friend inspired me to search for that old favorite, Rockin' robin on Blip F.M. where I found this 1972 recording from The Jackson 5. Just try to stop tapping your feet!

Meanwhile, the sun is out, the air is soft and the fruit trees are about to burst into, pear and cherry...

Apple Tree ~ At Home

Cherry Blossoms ~ At Home 01

Cherry Blossoms ~ At Home 02

Many years ago the old cherry tree attracted thousands of migrating hummingbirds. We saw them from an upstairs window, darting from blossom to blossom, their iridescent bodies reflectng the light. All the motion caught our attention and it was lucky we had binoculars on hand. We haven't seen them least not in those numbers, but we watch every spring hoping to see that incredible sight again.

The Old Pear Tree

The same pear tree as in my header. I pick the ones I can reach in autumn and they are delicious!


  1. Hello Carol:
    The robin really is very sweet. We should not mind at all to have him tapping on our windows. As for your blossom, simply wonderful, and then the thought of all the fruit to come.

    1. Hello Jane and Lance ~ Robins are synonymous with spring, but I do worry when I see erratic behavior and hope the bird is not disoriented. Perhaps he is just looking for a's time to nest!

      Thank you for your very kind comments on the photos!

  2. I'm always fascinated at the bees that visit the blossoms and work they're magic to help pollinate.
    Your robin friend has spied you taking his picture.
    Have a wonderful weekend.
    Susan x

  3. Thank you Susan! Wishing you a wonderful weekend too!

  4. Envy that you're having spring! In our new mullion-less windows downstairs, we get to watch nature up close and personal. And one little relentless momma cardinal thinks that the ideal space for her nest is inside our house. I have this heart-sinking feeling that all along the outside of our windows will be a row of dead "I want in there" birds. I've put up blue painters tape to help direct them to other opportunities! Your Robin rocks!

    1. Home before dark ~ I'm sure the unobstructed view from your new windows is glorious. The little momma cardinal is lucky to have you on her team...mothers need all the back-up they can get! It takes a nest!

      We've just been in Philadelphia where summer is in full swing...home to see our little robin tomorrow!

  5. Morning Carol--love the blossom pics-perfect! I need more hummer feeders-but I think they will fight even if there are 50 out there!! Have a great week-drier maybe!?!

    1. Hello Rain! Thank you! Those early blossoms look dated as I look out at the dense green in our backyard now! We used to have feeders everywhere, but stopped because they were attracting feral cats. It seemed cruel to the birds and I miss them terribly.


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