A wild wailing storm swept through Maine Saturday night and Sunday morning. High winds snapped trees and left our house (and many others!) without power. Normally, at this time of the year, one sees cattle in the meadows, but on this day all were inside. I thought the farm looked beautiful in its bleakness and I loved how the saturated trees looked against the landscape.
This winter scene of fences and snow covered fields was taken 1 February, 2009. Although I am craving spring and summer color, I never tire of subtle monochromatic cold weather tones and I love the etched branches against the sky.
14 March, 2009. Just a little over a month later, I captured this tender mother and calf moment in what I call the nursery, a small enclosure by the side of the road. During calving season, there are always photographers lined up by the fence hoping for good shots of the tiny "oreo" babies.
16 May, 2010. Spring finally arrives in Maine with soft greens in the idyllic meadow at the farm. In the distance you can see another tiny calf.
3 June, 2010. At last summer finally arrives with a golden field of buttercups and gentle fog.
Summer's bouquet of wildflowers adorn a simple wire fence at Aldermere Farm. Lovely in all seasons and a Maine treasure.
I am off again and, this time, hoping to return with a memory card full of photos!